Phantom Express
A downloadable game for Windows
Originally posted on 10/18/2020 at
"Arrow Keys"
- Right/Left to Move
- Up to Jump
- Z to use an Item
- X to toggle the menu
- C to pick up or drop an Item
- D/A to Move
- W to Jump
- U to use an Item
- I to toggle the menu
- O to pick up or drop an Item
"Gamepad (Xbox Button Names)"
- Left Stick to Move
- A to Jump
- B to use an Item
- Y to toggle the menu
- X to pick up or drop an Item
"Arrow Keys Alternate"
- Right/Left to Move
- Z to Jump
- X to use an Item
- C to toggle the menu
- Up to pick up or drop an Item
Extra Tips
- Make sure to check the HP of each train cart on the minimap at the top so you know which ones to fix
- If 3 of your train carts are fully damaged, you will lose
- New train carts are automatically added over time, but you can also put coal in the furnace to instantly add another cart
- The more items you hold, the slower you will be!
Known Bugs
- On normal mode, there seems to be a bug sometimes where you won't win the game even after 15 carts have spawned and all of the enemies are cleared. If this happens to you, just pretend that you won :D
Art by BumiBomber
Programming by Yosi
Music by Meseta
Phantom Express (Windows).zip 3.7 MB
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